tshwane tennis leagues

men's league schedule - AUGUST 2024


league competition rules



The following rules apply from APRIL 2023 to Men’s, Ladies’ and Mixed Leagues, each comprising of various Divisions.

  1. In case of a dispute or ambiguity between the English and Afrikaans versions of these rules, the English version will be conclusive.
    • All players will be registered members of Gauteng North Tennis Association.
    • No team in all the GN-A or GN-B leagues may make use of a player that has not been registered with the GNTA, via the club represented, before the commencement of the first league fixture of the applicable league. Should a team make use of such a player, all league points for the team in question will be forfeited.
  2. A player may be registered at more than one club but may not play for more than one club in the same league. A player may however during the same league period play for a club in the Men’s / Ladies’ League and for another club in the Mixed League.
  3. Only club members whose particulars have been supplied by their clubs to the GNTA, in terms of paragraph 6.4.1 of the constitution, may play in the leagues. All required particulars must accompany the monthly and instant registrations in order to validate such registrations
  4. Clubs who are in default of supplying the alphabetical name lists at the time of close for entry to the leagues will not be eligible to enter any team in the leagues, irrespective whether registration and affiliation fees have been paid or not.
    • All players will wear recognized tennis attire. Shirts with club colours, v-neck and round neck tennis shirts (“T-shirts”) of recognized manufacturers are acceptable subject thereto that the mentioned articles of clothing are in compliance with the restrictions applicable to advertisements. Only recognized tennis shoes may be worn. Runner’s shorts and shoes are not permitted.
    • Any player may, prior to the commencement of a match, insist that his / her opponent, who is not attired in accordance with the provisions of Rule 6 (a), should wear the prescribed attire. If the player to whom the request was made is not attired as provided for in Rule 6(a) within 15 minutes, the person who made the request will be entitled to claim the points for that match.
    • Any member of the Executive Committee or the Officiating Association of Gauteng North Tennis Association may, notwithstanding the provisions of rule 6 (b) above, at any time, prior to, or during a match request a player, who is not attired in accordance with the provisions of Rule 6(a), to change to the prescribed attire. If a player to whom the request was made is not attired as prescribed in Rule 6(a) within 15 minutes, the player’s club may be fined with an amount determined by the League Committee and may be prohibited from continuing with his / her matches and / or the points of those matches may be allocated to his / her opponents (even if the match was completed in the meanwhile).
  5. League matches will be played under the TSA rules.
  6. Should a club wish to lodge a complaint regarding any matter relating to the league, such complaint will be in writing and must reach the League Committee within 7 (seven) days from the day of the relevant fixture. All disputes in connection with these leagues will be settled by the League Committee, subject to the right of appeal to an Ad Hoc Committee as constituted from time to time by the President of the Association.
  7. No player will be allowed to play in a lower team if he / she has played more than twice for a higher team in the same league. In the case where the league consist of two groups, a player will not be allowed to play in a lower team if he/she has played one game in the higher league.
  8. If any team member is compelled to retire through injury or illness during a match, that match will be forfeited. The injured / ill player may be substituted for play in a following match within 30 minutes after the injured / ill player has retired. The substitute player must be of the same club and must qualify in terms of all these rules, especially rule 9.
  9. Fixtures will be played in accordance with a fixture list drawn up by the League Committee. No departure from this fixture list will be allowed except for exceptional circumstances and approved by the League Committee.
  10. Placing of teams into leagues:
    • The two teams with the highest scores on completion of the league will be promoted to a higher league. However only the team with the highest score will receive prize money if price money is provided for. In the case where a league consists of two groups, the corresponding places will compete in a final round to determine the final league result. For example, first place in group A vs first place in Group B would compete for number one and two.
    • The two teams that ended last in their league the previous year will automatically be relegated to a lower league despite the fact that other teams had to move to a lower league as a result of rules that have not been obeyed (e.g. incomplete teams, withdrawal of teams, etc.). Rules 12a and 12b will not apply for GN A,GN B and RES A leagues, where only one team will be promoted and only one team will be relegated.
    • A new entry cannot be entered directly into GN A / GN B but will be placed into the highest available league there after. This rule is also applicable to all other new entries. The League committee however has the right to do the final placing of teams. If there is no open spaces available new entries had to be acommodated in the last league. The club(s) involved will then treat those team(s) as their weakest team(s).
    • Clubs who apply for entering existing teams into higher leagues can only be considered if there are open spaces available. A team who came 3rd or lower will not be considered easily. Clubs had to submit a motivation when they want to apply for this.
    • No club may have more than 2 teams in the same division. In the event of a club having 2 teams in the same division, these teams will be scheduled to play each other during the first week of league matches. The stronger team will be known as the “A” team for purposes of the “higher” team and the other team as the “B” team. Rule 9 will also apply in respect of players in the mentioned teams.
    • The League Committee reserves the right to restrict the number of teams in a division and in the case of Gauteng North A & B and Reserve A & B, the number will be restricted to six (6) teams.
  1. At least two (2) courts will be available for each fixture.
    • If weather conditions are so unfavourable or the courts upon which a fixture has been scheduled to be played so wet that, in the opinion of the opposing captains, play cannot commence or continue within one hour after the time of commencement or interruption, then the fixture will be postponed.
    • If the team captains cannot agree whether the court surfaces are suitable for play from that point in time onward, they will wait for one hour at which point in time the fixture will commence or be postponed.
    • If, in accordance with the rules governing a particular league, one team has registered a win when play is suspended due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points will be allocated in terms of the rules.
    • If uncompleted matches can be completed at any time before the next fixture is played, such matches will be completed with the same players and commence from the stage where the match was stopped. The team captains will arrange the completion of such a fixture.
    • Uncompleted or rained out fixtures will be replayed at the end of the fixture list in the originally scheduled order of play and on the originally scheduled courts. Should these courts not be available, then the League Committee will be responsible for arranging courts to play on.
  2. All morning fixtures start at 08:15 and afternoon fixtures at 12:30.
    • In those divisions where singles matches are played, the singles matches will be played first.
    • Players scheduled to play who do not occupy the courts within 15 minutes after the scheduled time will, subject to ratification by the League Committee, forfeit their matches. The players who are scheduled to play the second round must occupy the courts before 13:30, if courts are available (this rule only apply to Saturday afternoon leagues where sets are played).
    • If all the players in a team are not present after completion of the first round of matches, that team will forfeit all the points for that fixture, in other words, that team will receive no points for that fixture and will in addition be liable to a penalty fine as per Rule 21 (c) of the League Competition Rules.
  1. A knock-up will be limited to 5 (five) minutes per match, between two teams.
  2. In all divisions promotion and relegation will be automatic subject however to the discretion of the League Committee.
  3. In the event of a league not being completed within the specified period as determined from time to time by the League Committee, the points for the uncompleted match/es will be allocated on a basis of average points scored by the teams in the completed matches. No bonus points will however be allocated.
  4. The captain of every team will enter the surnames and initials of his / her players in his / her team book before the match. The players will be listed in order of strength when the provisions of Rule 28 are applicable. Thereafter the particulars are copied onto the scorecard and this order cannot, except in the circumstance as provided for in Rule 10, be changed once the match is in progress. The captain of the home team provides the scorecard and completes the card with the team details first where after the Captain of the visiting team completes the card.
  5. A fully detailed and complete score card will be sent in by the captain of the winning team and will reach the office of the League Secretary by “whatsapp” as soon as possible after completion of the fixture. The score card must be signed by both captains and in event of a score card not being fully completed or incorrectly completed, the match results may be cancelled subject to approval by the League Committee.
    • Walkovers will be recorded by writing the name of the team claiming the fixture in the space “Match won by ………….” and writing “WALKOVER” across the card and cards will be submitted by both teams where a team has been withdrawn.
  6. In fixtures where sets are played, the winner will be the team winning the most matches. In matches drawn, Rule 27(a) applies.
    • At the end of the league the winner of the division will be determined as follows:
      • The team that has won all their matches.
      • If not, the team with the highest points total.
    • Any team, with the exception of teams in the Gauteng North A & B and Reserve “A” Divisions that forfeits more than one fixture by not playing or by withdrawing, will at the end of the league automatically relegate to the lower division. The top team in the lower division will in such an instance be promoted to the higher division.
    • When a team forfeits one fixture all the points that was won by his opponents will be cancelled. The reason for this is to place the other teams in that specific league truthfully according to their wins / losses. The applicable team’s points will be considered to see if they qualify to stay in that specific league the following year or had to relegate. If that team does not end last it will be placed 2nd last.
    • The League committee however has the right to do the final placing of teams.
    • Any team in the Gauteng North A & B and Reserve “A” Divisions that forfeits a fixture by not playing or by withdrawing, will, at the end of the league, automatically relegate to the lower division.
    • The points that was won by his opponents will be cancelled. The reason for this is to place the other teams in that specific league truthfully according to their wins / losses.
    • In event of a team withdrawing from a fixture or the league after placement of teams had been finalized, a penalty fine equal to the team entry fee will be levied by GNTA per fixture withdrawn, and accrued to the affected club.
  7. Any team with unregistered player/s or with player/s falsely represented will forfeit that particular fixture.
  8. Should a team be disqualified from any league, all fixtures won or lost by the team will be cancelled and considered null and void.
  9. In all Gauteng North, Reserve, A and B Divisions of the Mixed, Men’s and Ladies leaques not less than six (6) new balls must be provided by the home team and six (6) new balls by the visiting team. For the Men’s and Ladie’s league BD Divisions both teams must provide at least three (3) new balls. In fixtures where six (6) singles and three (3) doubles matches are played, each team will provide nine (9) new balls. Only balls approved by TSA will be used.
  1. Saturday Afternoon Fixtures : Men’s and Ladies’ Leagues Gauteng North A & B, Reserve A, B & C and Divisions A & B (see rule 26 for BD Division) Teams will consist of six (6) players of whom two (2) players are designated to play singles. Singles are played first and thereafter the first round of the doubles. The two singles players then combine to play a doubles match followed by the second round of doubles. All matches will be decided by the playing of two (2) seven (7) point tie-break sets, and in event of the score being one set each, by the playing of a ten (10) point tie break set in place of a third set. The winner of the 7 point tie-breaker is the first player who has seven points and who lead with at least two points, e.g. 7/5, or in case of a score of six points each with a lead of at least two points, e.g. 9/7. The winner of the 10 point tie-breaker is the player who first has 10 points and who lead with at least two points, e.g. 10/8, or in case of a score of at least two points, e.g. 12/10. One point is allotted for every set won (including the third 10-point tiebreak set) and an additional three (3) bonus points to the winning team. If one team has registered a win when play has to be abandoned due to unfavorable weather conditions or bad light, then the points are shared per set for the uncompleted matches. The result of a fixture will be determined as follows:
    • the team that has won most matches; in event of this being equal,
    • the team that has won the most sets; in event of this also being equal,
    • the team that has won the most games; in event of this also being equal the fixture will be declared a draw and bonus points will be shared.
    If one team or the other has registered a win when play has to be abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points are shared per set for the uncompleted matches.
  2. Saturday Afternoon Fixtures : Men’s and Ladies’ Leagues BD Division Teams will consist of two (2) couples. Both couples play a match against both couples of the opposing team. All matches will be decided by the playing of two (2) seven (7) point tie-break sets, and in event of the score being one set each, by the playing of a ten (10) point tie-break set in place of a third set. One point is allotted for every set won (including the third 10 point tie-break set) and an additional three (3) bonus points to the winning team. The result of a fixture will be determined as follows:
    • the team that has won most matches; in event of this being equal,
    • the team that has won the most sets; in event of this also being equal,
    • the team that has won the most games; in event of this also being equal the fixture will be declared a draw and bonus points will be shared.
    If one team or the other has registered a win when play has to be abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points are shared per set for the uncompleted matches.
  3. Saturday Afternoons Fixtures : Mixed Doubles a. Gauteng North A & B, Reserve A & B and Divisions A & B Teams will consist of four couples divided into two groups. Couples 1 and 2 play a match against both couples 1 and 2 of the opposing team. Couples 3 and 4 play likewise. All matches will be decided by the playing of two (2) seven (7) point tie-break sets, and in event of the score being one set each, by the playing of a ten (10) point tie-break set in place of a third set. One point is allotted for every set won (including the third 10 point tie-break set) and an additional three (3) bonus points to the winning team. The result of a fixture will be determined as follows:
    • the team that has won most matches; in event of this being equal.
    • the team that has won the most sets; in event of this also being equal.
    • the team that has won the most games; in event of this also being equal the fixture will be declared a draw and bonus points will be shared.
    If one team or the other has registered a win when play has to be abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points are shared per set for the uncompleted matches. b. Order of Play At least two (2) courts must be available per fixture. The first week couples nominated as 1 and 2 will play first and couples nominated as 3 and 4 thereafter. The second week couples nominated as 3 and 4 play first and couples nominated as 1 and 2 thereafter. This rotation continues until the end of the League.
  4. Sunday Morning Fixtures : Men’s Division - Gauteng North a. Teams will consist of six (6) players and each fixture will consist of nine matches, namely six singles and three doubles. b. All clubs participating in the Gauteng North Division will furnish the League Committee at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of commencement of the League with a list of at least eight players in order of strength. The League Committee will place this list on the notice board of the Tennis Headquarters before the league commences. Should a club have more than one team in the Gauteng North A & B Division, fourteen (14) players will be nominated. A club not providing such a list will not be permitted to participate in the league in that division. The League Committee has the authority to demand prior to commencement of the league, that the nominated player order be changed to reflect the true strength of players, should the League Committee be of the opinion that the order of players is not correctly reflected on the list. The League Committee is entitled to allow a club to amend the list by adding a player in any position after sufficient reasons have been given by the club. c. The members of opposing teams will compete in their nominated order. If a player is not available, all the players below the said player in the team move up one position on the list and the reserve player plays at number six. Should a number of players be unavailable and a reserve, who is not a nominated player, is required to play, the said reserve player must play at the number six position. The players may be combined in any order for the doubles matches, provided all six team members are included. d. Matches will be decided by the best of three tie-break sets. One point is allotted for every set won and an additional three (3) bonus points to the winning team. If a result has been obtained when play is abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points per set are shared for the uncompleted matches. e. Order of Play Three courts must be available per fixture. The first week players nominated as numbers 1 – 3 will play first and players nominated as numbers 4 - 6 thereafter. The second week players nominated as numbers 4 - 6 play first and players nominated as numbers 1 -3 thereafter. This rotation continues until the end of the league.
  5. Sunday Morning Fixtures : Men’s Divisions - Reserve and A Division Teams will consist of six (6) players of whom two (2) players are designated to play singles. Singles are played first and thereafter the first round of the doubles. The two singles players then combine to play a doubles match followed by the second round of doubles. All matches will be decided by the best of three (3) tie-break sets. One point is allotted for every set won and additional three (3) bonus points to the winning team. If one team has registered a win when play has to be abandoned due to unfavourable weather conditions or bad light, then the points are shared per set for the uncompleted matches.

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Mixed Doubles BD1 BD2 Scorecard

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Men's Sunday League

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Mixed League

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Men's & Ladies' Saturday League

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